
What we focus on expands.
J P Horgan

Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change.
Wayne Dyer

For this week’s edition of the SoberOasis Weekly Reflections, I am delighted to present an innovation.

Having resisted moving away from the written word for over two years now, I have finally decided to test the waters of the audio-visual world. This week’s episode is the first step in that direction.

Moving out of my comfort zone was made all the easier by the fact that JP Horgan, a newly discovered friend from Toronto, Canada, reached out to me in such a friendly fashion with his invitation to come join him on his show.

Even though we made our first connection a mere month ago, the not-so-suprising fact, considering the parallels in our life experience, was that we got on so well, as if we had been friends all our lives. This is reflected in our wonderful conversation about The Great Spirit, the Universe, Life’s Challenges, Adversity, Courage, Recovery, PQ Mental Fitness, Transformation, and Paying Forward to the next generation.

JP proved to be a very gifted and gracious host who put me at ease from the get-go of this unrehearsed conversation. I wish to express my thanks to him for this inspiring experience.

The 70-minute podcast, which I hope you will enjoy, can be found here:



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This Weeks Reflections

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